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Description of the painting by Boris Kustodiev "Tea Party"

In fact, Kustodiev was quite interested in the image of merchants. He painted their portraits in all kinds of perspectives, under the strangest interiors and in various poses, naked and dressed up. Of course, it should be noted that there are a lot of paintings with merchants, but the most successful, and unique in its harmony and completeness of the image undoubtedly is the "Tea Party."
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Description of the Vera Mukhina monument “Worker and Collective Farm Girl”

“Worker and Collective Farm Girl” is the personification of the Soviet period of history, its ideals and social orientation. The monument consists of two figures - girls and young men who hold symbols of proletarian power over their heads - a sickle and a hammer. The sculpture takes pride of place in the history of the monumental art of the country of the Soviets and is “native” to the inhabitants of the former USSR.
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Description of the painting by Peter Rubens "Garden of Love"

Canvas by Rubens “Garden of Love”, or as it is also called “Garden of Lovers”, is often interpreted as a description of a certain period of the artist’s life, or rather, the time after his second marriage. Perhaps this is so. Especially when you consider that the picture was painted by Rubens for the soul, and not “on order.” The overall composition is a group of people resting on the background of the temple of the patroness of marriage - the goddess Juno.
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Description of the painting by Ivan Aivazovsky "From calm to the hurricane"

If Shishkin in Russian painting is recognized as the greatest master of landscapes of the Russian hinterland. So Aivazovsky is known to us, first of all, for his seascapes. This trend in painting is called Morenism. Aivazovsky all his life, mostly depicted on his canvases exclusively the sea or the ocean. On his canvases the water surface was sometimes stormy, then delightfully calm.
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Description of Tatyana Yablonskaya's painting “Bread”

The painting “Bread” is one of the most famous works of the well-known artist Tatyana Nilovna Yablonskaya, painted by her in 1949. The painting depicts the time that has come several years after the end of the war. But there is no grief or regret in her, but only joy and happy faces. The landscape of the picture is almost invisible - it is represented by a dark forest and a small piece of the sky, but it’s important on it is completely different.
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