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Description of the painting by Arkhip Kuindzhi “Ukrainian Night”

The painting was created in 1876. We look at this canvas, as if spellbound. The painter was the first to portray the night in the south so magnificent. So to portray nature could only show a man who loves her very much. Undoubtedly, Kuindzhi has a huge temperament of a real creator who creates wonderful paintings that impress the audience.
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Description of the painting by Zinaida Serebryakova “In the Kitchen. Portrait of Katya »

The author of this painting is the mother of beautiful children. She repeatedly expressed her love for them in her paintings. A lot can be found in her work of such paintings. So, “In the kitchen. Portrait of Katya ”is one of them. This painting depicts the artist’s daughter. She is dressed in simple but bright clothes. Blue sundress stands out sharply against the background of a snow-white blouse.
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Description of the Tintoretto painting “The Origin of the Milky Way”

We see an artistic interpretation of the myth. Jupiter longed for his son to be immortal. The child gave birth to him an ordinary woman. In order for the baby to live forever, it was necessary to press him to the magnificent breast of the goddess Juno herself. Her miraculous milk was to give immortality. Juno was taken by surprise and involuntarily staggered back.
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Description of the painting by Alexei Venetsianov “On arable land”

The great artist Aleksey Venetsianov in the early 19th century painted a unique painting “On arable land”, which enjoys great attention among lovers of painting and art. The picture is perceived as a single whole, everything in it is harmonious, despite the simplicity of everyday life of that time. The motive of the picture is simple and seemingly understandable, but it is important to penetrate the meanwhile and the way of life in order to feel the whole depth of the plot.
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Description of the painting by Marc Chagall “Walk” (Lovers)

Marc Chagall is one of the founders of surrealism and avant-garde in the world of art of the twentieth century. This person is simply an extraordinary person who had the ability to see simple things and present them to the public in such a way as to be participants in his works, and to make even a simple layman of galleries conceive.
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