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Description of the painting by Edgar Degas "Self Portrait"

Before us are two self-portraits of the great artist Edgar Degas. Why two self-portraits at once? They are simply made in different years. At the first self-portrait, Degas is still young and inexperienced, and he still has everything ahead and he still has a lot to go through and bear all the hardships of fate. Work on masterpieces, disappointments from destiny and in personal life of sorrow and victory is still ahead.
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Description of the painting by Ivan Shishkin “Walk in the forest”

The canvas is more than colorful. And most importantly, somehow it pacifies something ... This path in the forest and the family that went for a walk. It is guessed, or maybe it is, that the family went for a walk with the whole staff. Here comes the husband and wife ahead and discuss something with each other. Something is apparently very personal, and therefore aside from others.
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Description of the painting by Konstantin Korovin “Paris Cafe”

Before us are several sketches of the artist, performed in the 1890s under the impression of a trip to France. In these paintings, the principles of one of the brightest modernist movements - impressionism, which flourished in the last third of the century before last, were fully embodied in these paintings. Note that Korovin depicts a cafe in the morning.
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Description of the painting by Nikolai Bogdanov-Belsky “Pupils”

The canvas was painted in oil on canvas in 1901. The picture was created in the style of realism, the porter genre. Bogdanov-Belsky is a talented and original Russian artist. He was often called "peasant." This was due to the enormous love of Bogdanov-Belsky for the simple Russian life of ordinary people. He wrote a huge number of paintings on this subject, left us an invaluable legacy and the opportunity to return to the past.
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Description of the artwork by Michelangelo Buonarroti Persian Sibyl

Unlike the Libyan Sibyl, her companion according to the predictions of the Persian Sibyl lived in the East, which can already be understood from her name. She bore the name of Sambet and was also called the Babylonian soothsayer in a different way. The references to her date back to the 13th century BC. e., to the same period, namely to 1248 BC.
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