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Description of the painting by Andrei Petrovich Ryabushkin "Ilya Muromets"

The theme of historical and everyday painting has always been popular and interesting among art connoisseurs. Andrei Petrovich Ryabushkin is a Russian painter who, through his works, conveyed the mood of the Russian people in the 17th century. From the age of 14, the artist becomes an orphan, and he is taken to Moscow for training. The Moscow Art College became for Andrei Ryabushkin a second home.
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Description of the painting by Salvador Dali "Three riddles"

This mysterious and full of hidden meaning of the canvas was written by the master of surrealism Salvador Dali in 1982. This is his last creation, dedicated to the unforgettable wife and muse. Gala was his love throughout his life, she gave him inspiration, joy and pain. Looking at the picture for the first time, you will not be able to say exactly what is depicted on it.
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Description of the painting Arkady Plastov "Tanya"

The canvases of the great Soviet artist Arkady Plastov always had a distinct difference, due to their simplicity and a certain amount of artlessness. His work, entitled “Tanya,” is no exception. The picture shows a young girl who is rather warmly dressed, which symbolizes the cold season.
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