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Description of the painting by Ivan Aivazovsky "Calm"

This artist was firmly associated with the great natural phenomenon - the sea. All his canvases are about the sea. Almost all. There are simple landscapes - earthly. But in the world he has long been recognized as a landscape painter. What kind of sea or ocean he did not depict on canvases - either in a storm, then in a storm, then in full calm.
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Description of the painting Taras Shevchenko "Katerina"

Not everyone knows that the famous writer and poet Taras Shevchenko was closely connected not only with literature, but also with painting. Indeed, at the beginning of his journey in art, he was seen precisely as an artist, thanks to which he was sent to study in Russia. In 1842, after the creation of the poem “Katerina,” Taras Shevchenko painted an oil painting, performing it in the style of realism, according to the same plot, choosing a scene that goes right after the farewell of the main character with her lover - “Muscovite”.
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Description of Zhao Ji's Cranes

The artist Zhao Ji is important for the history of China. By the way, this is the pseudonym of the eighth emperor. He devoted all his time to the study of various types of arts, and therefore, as a ruler, he did not become famous among his people. But he was a skilled calligrapher, painter and poet. As a child, the future artist loved to draw and by the seventeenth year of his life had become quite famous in the field of art of that time.
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Description of the painting by Isaac Levitan “Autumn. Birches

The painting was painted by Levitan in 1899. The artist was able to convey with immense power the greatest masters who did not give in to observation gave a rainy season. Autumn was portrayed by him in his indescribable calm and special greatness. Visually, you can feel it only by looking at the canvas of Levitan7Autumn completely changed the whole nature.
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Description of the painting by Isaac Levitan “Sunny day. Spring"

The time of the creation of the painting “Sunny day. Spring ”was the period of the 17th anniversary of the artist Isaac Levitan. The young man studied at the Moscow school of painting. The main focus of the master became landscapes. Perhaps it was not easy to love nature. Levitan was a student of the famous artist Alexei Savrasov, who, in turn, was a master of depicting the essence of the world around him.
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