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Description of the painting Isaac Levitan "The Hut in the Meadow"

Levitan is called a “mood artist” and a “singer of Russian nature,” and just look at his paintings to feel with all your heart why this is so. All of his landscapes are permeated with his mood - you can find cheerful and sad, joyful and dreary, permeated with fear and expectation, and, on the contrary, radiating hope and light.
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Description of the painting by Mikhail Lomonosov "Poltava battle"

Mikhail Lomonosov, an inquisitive natural scientist, a gifted writer, and the wisest philosopher, did not pass over such an important sphere of creativity as fine art. He studied the properties of glass and, struck by the extraordinary beauty of smalt - colored glass, he became interested in the manufacture of mosaic paintings.
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Description of the painting by Ilya Glazunov “My life”

Glazunov’s paintings differ from other writing styles. They embody the plurality of various details of time, events ever occurred. Glazunov’s paintings are a kind of collage, chronological passages. The picture “My Life” tells us about the artist’s life, about his fate, about the events that took place and special importance in his career, were important for his family and him personally.
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Description of Raphael Santi's painting “Parnassus”

The painting was created in the years 1509 - 1511. Rafael dedicated his mural to the theme of poetry, which has never faded at all times. In the very center we see the famous Parnassus. Apollo plays the flute. He was surrounded by muses. Each of them has in their hands the object with which she was usually portrayed. All the writers and poets of different eras gathered here.
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Description of the painting by Ivan Shishkin "Windbreak"

The picture was painted in oil on canvas in 1888. The style in painting is realism, it was written in the genre of sketch and etude. Shishkin is a great Russian artist who left us his legacy. This artist displayed on his canvases the richness and beauty of Russian nature. Many works were created in the St. Petersburg forests and on Valaam.
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