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Description of the painting by Nikolai Krymov "Morning"

The Saratov State Art Museum of Radishchev exhibits in its halls a masterpiece of Russian fine art - the work of Morning by Nikolai Petrovich Krymov. This Soviet artist always preferred landscapes, which, in his understanding, should reflect the fullness, breadth and inexpressible beauty of Russian nature.
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Description of the painting Arkady Rylov "In Nature"

Rylov was a master of landscapes in a symbolist spirit. He was a direct student of Kuindzhi. The artist loved the most holistic images, special lighting, an unusual understanding of light. The whole landscape is permeated with an incredibly joyful feeling. The space is built in a special way. It was this manner that was characteristic of the painter.
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Description of the painting by Ivan Shishkin “On the seashore”

Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin writes his next masterpiece, which has the name "Along the Sea." In this picture, he maximally reveals the beauty of the forest, which is spread over the expanses of the earth and borders on the coastline of a sandy beach, directly in front of the sea. The panorama itself, shows all this beauty from the side of the hill, which is only slightly inscribed by the artist, in the foreground of the canvas.
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