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Description of the painting by Alexander Popov “Suzdal”

Alexander Popov is one of the best brush masters who created portraits and landscape compositions. A striking example of this is the painting "Suzdal." The artist presents to our eyes a winter picture of the outskirts of the city. The author of the canvas depicts a very interesting time - early winter. If you look closely, in the middle of all the snow-white beauty you can see the recent breath of autumn - the few remaining yellow leaves on the trees.
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Description of the painting by Ivan Aivazovsky "From calm to the hurricane"

If Shishkin in Russian painting is recognized as the greatest master of landscapes of the Russian hinterland. So Aivazovsky is known to us, first of all, for his seascapes. This trend in painting is called Morenism. Aivazovsky all his life, mostly depicted on his canvases exclusively the sea or the ocean. On his canvases the water surface was sometimes stormy, then delightfully calm.
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Description of the painting by Isaac Brodsky “Golden Autumn”

Isaac Izrailevich - Soviet artist, whose work served as the basis for the artistic movement of socialist realism. He began drawing at the age of five, studied at the Art College and at the Academy of Arts. He is known for his iconic images of Lenin and carefully crafted paintings devoted to the events of the Civil War and the Bolshevik Revolution.
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Description of the painting by Marc Chagall "Evening at the Window"

All paintings by Marc Chagall are symbolic. He immerses the viewer in a surreal world with features of the ordinary world of things. All his canvases report that time is short in life, and wasting it stupid, you need to enjoy feelings and positive emotions. Chagall’s canvases are colorful, full of secret signs. “Evening by the window” is a picture of a pair of lovers.
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