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Description of the painting by Alexander Golovin "Still Life with Phlox"

The famous artist Alexander Golovin from childhood had a special love for flowers. He could contemplate them for hours in greenhouses, studied the variety of forms, and their color shades of the artist simply captivated. Considering the flowers to be a real work of art that Mother Nature created, he tried to depict them as much as possible on the canvas.
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Description of the painting by Kazimir Malevich "Grinder"

This picture has an addition to the name - "The principle of flickering." What does it consist of? Apparently, in different positions, the word on the stroboscopic photograph shows a leg pressing the pedal of a grinder. The movement of the hands of the grinder is also shown in the same way: one of them brings the knife to the machine, the other presses the blade against the grinding wheel.
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Description of the painting by Mikhail Nesterov "Self-portrait"

The canvas was created in 1915 with oil on wood. Nesterov is a great Russian artist who lived in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. His paintings are known throughout our country. He was a portrait master. But even more significant are his canvases on religious themes, murals of temples. Nesterov is the creator of a great painting written on the life of St. Sergius of Radonezh, "Vision to the Youth Bartholomew."
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Description of the painting Pablo Picasso “First Communion”

Pablo Picasso was never considered a devout person or took an excessively religious position, but despite this, after receiving an order to paint several paintings for the convent, he performed them as if he had lived all his life in the monastery, transferring all his energy to the canvas. In order to paint the painting “First Communion”, the master needed to collect a large number of church interior items, clothes and other equipment in his workshop.
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Description of the painting by Ivan Shishkin “Oaks in old Peterhof”

Shishkin Ivan Ivanovich always admired the expanses of Russian land. He painted landscapes and conveyed through them his attitude to nature and its endless beauties. It is this artist who takes first place among the most powerful and talented landscape painters in Russia. The author perfectly understands plant forms and conveys their natural details.
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