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Description of the painting Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin "Noon"

We see a grand canvas. The artist was able to portray contemporary peasant Russia. It arises, as if from some wonderful haze. It is simply impossible to capture the whole earth, it is so huge. The artist looks at fields, hills, rivers and copses from a great height, it seems that he soars with the birds.
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Description of the painting by Ivan Shishkin “Misty morning”

Shishkin has two canvases with the same name, "Misty Morning." But both canvases are so beautiful that I want to talk about them. On the first canopy we see a full-flowing river, on the banks of which a forest grows. Somewhere in the distance the forest is shrouded in fog, but here the fog is barely guessed nearby. And whether he has already been here, or else these beaches have yet to plunge into this white veil.
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Description of the painting by Edward Manet "Olympia"

Eduard Manet, when he painted this picture, obviously already then, was quite dismissive of all the official positions of art, so this masterpiece is quite apparently different from all his previous works that were written until 1863. It’s good or bad, definitely not it seems possible, but the fact that such a moment had a place to be is obvious.
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Description of the painting by Pablo Picasso “Girl on the Ball”

This is perhaps one of the most famous paintings by Picasso. The artist wrote his masterpiece in 1905. "Girl on the ball" marks a new period in the work of Pablo Picasso, which researchers called "pink." The artist’s canvases are becoming more cheerful and positive. The main characters of his paintings at this time are people of circus art.
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